"Come what may, and love it!......Yet in spite of discouragement and adversity, those who are happiest seem to have a way of learning from difficult times, becoming stronger, wiser, and happier as a result." ~ Elder Joseph B. Wirthlin

November 16, 2011

What a sucker!

Look what I caught this girl doin'. She's not even 4 months. While I think it is totally cute I'm not encouraging it because it's easier to take away a pacifier than cut off fingers. FYI, I would never cut off fingers. 

Also, she giggled today. I was kissing her chin and it was soooo cute. 

And this was Asher's Halloween costume. Love it? Well, I made it. That's right...well the cape anyway.
Don't look too close. He loves Robin for some reason. It's fine by me but you don't find too many kids who want to be the "sidekick".

We don't want to leave anyone out! :)

Noah hums when he eats. 
Asher and Noah for some reason make an "L" sound in the place of an "R" like fliend (friend)
Heath acts like a kid when he gets to go hunting.
I just started doing pinterest. I told myself I wouldn't but I did it and now I'm pinning away with awesome ideas. One of which is this and this (my favorites so far). and Heath and my BIL Jake our going to to this for me. I know cute, right?
Well, gotta go. Love my family. no proofing on this one.

October 21, 2011


Noah turned 5 (yes 5 can you believe it?) the other day.
I can't believe it.
5 years ago I had my first baby.
5 years ago I felt the most anxiety I've ever felt watching a tiny little baby in a little suitcase under lights for being jaundice.
5 years ago I felt love in a way I've never felt it before and understood a lot more about love and sacrifice.
I realized some time later that mommy is the best name in the world and that parenting would be the hardest thing in the whole wide world. (Good thing I don't have to go at it alone)

FIVE! Go here to see him in the chair for his other birthdays.

He had a Batman birthday party but more like a superhero birthday party. 

Yes, I made that. I know, AWWWWWWWWWWW-some :)

Yes, he was Captain America at his Batman birthday party. 

AND just have to say thanks to the moms who let their kids come on such short notice and even got Noah presents. I let them know at 4 pm that the party was at 6 pm. Good thing we have so many kids in our neighborhood :) Good friends for sure.

Colorful! I think she might be getting bottom teeth.

Hannah with her cousin. They are one month and one day apart. Hannah's older. 

Then there is this guy...
I love him so but he sure puts me through the ringer sometimes.
He's been through a lot.
He still doesn't like to gain weight.
We are going to take him to the NAET doctor next.
He's funny and stubborn, cute and tiny, determined and polite.

The other day I took time to tickle my boys. I can't remember the last time I did that. Heath does it all the time. I love their laughs. Our windows were open and before long there was a knock at the door. We opened it to 2 little neighborhood kids. They said, "What are you doing?", I said, "tickling". They said, "Can you tickle us?".   Sure, come on in. The laughing commenced.

I find myself talking in high, silly voices to get a smile out of Hannah. 

I've been feeling a little poopy the last few days so I put on some inspirational music this morning and thought about all my blessings. I think today will be a good day.
I love my husband.

October 10, 2011

Yesterday Hannah was blessed.
It was a good day. All the Papa family was together.
And our good friends the Espanosa's (not sure that's spelled right)
Texas and Washington state are just too far away. That means my side wasn't there but I'm sure they were thinking of us.

Look at those blue eyes!

Ok, so, I want to tell you a little bit about the dress. All the Papa babies were blessed in it (Heath and all his siblings). Lorie (Grandma, Heath's mom) made the dress with a little help from great grandma (Lorie's mother) about 32 years ago.  I'm glad she held onto it because I love it!

The blanket was made by my Aunt Ronna. It was perfect for the day.

Thanks to everyone that shared the day with us and to all those who were thinking about us.


September 29, 2011


I've been wanting to blog for a while but life has been busy. Now I can't really remember all the things I wanted to blog about. I've been trying to get a good picture of all 3 kids. Not really working out for me.

You can't win 'em all.

but gettin' closer. No, I didn't fix their hair and yes, Hannah is in her pj's!

See that kid on the right?  Yes, very right. With the ears? Yes, him, Asher. Well, I know you wouldn't be able to tell by these pictures but this kid can throw a fit. I mean a BIG fit! He is a sweet little boy but when he throws a fit there is scratching, hitting and biting involved. Oh, and screaming for about an hour.  As parents Heath and I are testing out new things. More routines, more sleep, and I'm going to make a chart with chores, routines, and good/bad behavior on it. (If you have anymore suggestions we'll take them) Ok, back to the cool chart I'm making. For everything good they will get to put something in a jar and when the jar is full they will get a predetermined reward. Ya know like a trip to Disneyland. Just kidding more like an ice cream date with dad or a toy they've been wanting for a while, etc.

I am amazed at how people are influenced by their surroundings whether it be people or objects. Realizing more and more how important it is to surround yourself with not only good people but good things too. Well, how 'bout great people and great things.
I think character is developed when we are around the great and because we can't always be around the great that's when the character has to be used. Prepare for the not so great.

I've been learning some about what integrity really is. I mean I've known what integrity is but I never thought of it in this way. Think of it like this - making our actions consistent with our beliefs- ok yes that makes since but think of all your beliefs. If you believe you should eat healthy and you don't -that is not having integrity and then you feel anger or guilt because you're not doing something you know you should be doing. Well, hopefully you got that.

oh, and listen (ok read) this

"The adversary would keep us busily engaged in a multitude of trivial things in an effort to keep us distracted from the few vital things that make all the difference." -Ardeth G. Kapp
Like did you check your email today and surf the internet? Did you pray and read your scriptures?

Something to think about.

well, I better be going. I've got some kids that would like to play outside.
Heath has been really busy.
Noah likes to tell "stories" lately
Asher wants to be Robin for halloween
Hannah is 2 months old and gaining weight. hallelujah!


September 14, 2011

cow poop and glue

Asher: Can Hannah eat Cheetos?
Me: No, all she eats is milk and in a few months she can eat fruits and vegetables.
Asher: and cow poop?
Me: ewwwwwwwwwww, no.
Asher: cow poop is yucky?
me: yes
Asher: oh

later he wanted to watch a movie on netflix.
Asher: Can I watch curious George?
me: sure (tried to pull it up and isn't working)
Me: it's broken
Asher: Can you fix it with glue?

He also made me aware that he would like for me to fashion him a Robin suit out of tape.
I'm not that skilled and don't think that will hold up until Halloween.

September 7, 2011


Sometimes it works better if you hit start on a timer.
Sometimes green grapes end up in the bathtub.
Sometimes babies cry and cry des00pite every effort you make to have them stop.
Sometimes a 2 1/2 year old gets new molars and has trouble sleeping unless it's in your bed and asks to go to Sportmans Warehouse (cause that's where dad likes to go)  and the bank (for a sucker).
Sometimes an almost 5 years old tells you that Iron Man always takes a bath and that The Hulk doesn't because he's too big and won't fit in the bath.
Sometimes a 30 year old decides that he wants to get two jobs (1 job teaching at the high school - that he got over 7 other applicants- and one job teaching night classes at the college -  congrats by the way). Not saying that's a bad thing, we are blessed.
Sometimes I think that if I had someone to fold my laundry and clean my bathrooms I might just make it.
And sometimes when Aunt Liz comes over to shave daddy the boys need to shave their whiskers too. no worries she took the blade out.

He's showing you his teeth that hurt. Also, yes, that is a box in the background. I know,  you think we would be moved in by now.

and snug as a bug in a rug.

September 5, 2011

Never thought this day would come.

It has!
I have decided to make my blog PRIVATE.
I know, I thought I would never do it, that I would never have a reason to.
I always wondered why others did it.
But today, well not like today, but in a few weeks I'm changing it over.



If you are wondering why I am taking it private, it's because of Heath's new job (s). I don't want any of his weird students reading my blog :)

You can also email me your email address at emailerinp@gmail.com or facebook me.

August 26, 2011

the hunt, the shave, the mimi

The hunt is on and apparently so is the shave.
Liz (Heath's lil' sister) gave him a hair cut the other day and shaved his back and chest and stomach
WITH a straight razor no doubt.
She even let me have a try (no, I didn't cut him) and yes he is on our kitchen table.

First she cut a heart, then...

 it turned to this. What do you meant what is it? it's an elk. It's hunting season don't you know. 
and oh so attractive. Yes, it's still there and yes he's hunting as I type this and yes for an elk.
Heath caught this a while ago and I can't remember if I put it on the blog but definitely blog worthy.

AND then there's the stories of this week
We got rid of Asher's mimi (pacifier) this week. Heath told him if he put in the trash he could get a toy. He wanted a toy from Target. So, Monday morning he threw his mimi in the trash and we went to Target. He picked out an iron man toy. He did pretty well throughout the day and I didn't push a nap but when night came he was ready to throw iron man in the trash and go dumpster diving for the mimi. Well, I didn't let him. I rocked him to sleep that night which I felt was a good trade and he ended up in bed with us which I felt was also a good trade. The next day he was ready for a nap and then asked for the mimi a few times and I reminded him that he traded it for a toy. He said, "oh, I forgot". Then he was really tired and the screaming, biting, scratching, and gnashing of teeth began. I didn't know if we were going to make it and I thought about the back up mimi. I was strong and he finally fell asleep. phew! I rocked him to bed one more night and now there's no word of the mimi. 
Now that he's given up the mimi he's done with his hair doll (Mr. Beans or Beansies). This, apparently, has given him more time to do other things like wrapping himself in toilet paper, spinning around and around until he looks like a mummy (that's when I came in), and tearing his toast to pieces and throwing in on the dinning room floor while I was at the sink, or spilling his yogurt on the floor and trekking though it, or dragging a chair over to the sink and playing in the water until there's a swimming pool on the floor beneath. I'll stop there but you can tell we've had some excitement. 

The aftermath. 

Then there's baby Hannah. Adorable and Asleep. She's got a little ouchie bum that breaks my heart every-time I change her diaper and she screams. She's beautiful and has blue eyes so far.

August 19, 2011

I think I belong in Mayberry. (but really more about life with 3)

or Radiator Springs (if you're a Cars fan)
Life with 3 kids is a little interesting.

When I try to go anywhere it seems it takes forever to get out the door.
Hannah needs to eat, then she poops, then Asher poops, then Hannah poops again, then she spits up on me (I clean up), then she spits up on her (change her clothes) and then I realize it's time for lunch.

It's true that She pooped out of her diaper yesterday and I didn't want to take it over her head so yes, I cut the onesie off the child. While I was cleaning all that up someone knocked on the door (sorry to whoever it was because I couldn't get to the door in time) and Noah was sitting on the toilet, Asher was harassing him. Noah shut Asher fingers in the door (I'm still knee deep in dooky at this point),  Asher screaming/crying, and Noah screaming for me telling me he "has something for me". Finally, I make it to the bathroom where I find my surprise (poop in the toilet). I have baby in left arm and wiping a bum with right hand. (sorry if that was too much info). Asher calmed down, Hannah was hungry. I was feeding Hannah and could hear Noah but was wondering where Asher was. I called his name a few time, no answer. I got up and went into the other bathroom and there he was with a bottle of disinfectant (non-toxic ish stuff thank goodness) and he was spraying the entire bathroom down. (yes, the entire bathroom including the carpet outside the bathroom). I grabbed the cleaner, told him to wash his hands, threw a towel over the carpet and just shut the door aaaaaaaaaaaaand back to feeding Hannah.

My house is still not decorated.
My neighbor gave me a really awesome blanket for Hannah.
I think baking soda is one of the best things ever.
Hannah is 3 weeks old.
Asher seriously has a personality...so funny (when he's comfortable around you, if not, he's shy)
Noah's got lots of new friends in the neighborhood we live in...wondering about some of them.
Heath's been really busy getting ready to teach. I know he'll do a good job.
My birthday is soon. I'll be 32.
I'm getting ice cream cake and maybe a date with the hubby.  (this is a big deal because this weekend, my birthday weekend, is the opening of hunting season and he's not going)
I think he likes me.
and really my body will definitely never be the same.  Good thing it's the result of something so precious.
Wishing I had a triple jogging stroller :)
I know you want pictures but I'll post some later.
oh, and Hannah gained a pound and 4 ounces at her last appointment after loosing 11 ounces.
We have the best pediatrician.

Oh, and, will somebody buy our Honda, Pilot. C'mon it's a nice vehicle.

August 7, 2011

Wondering where I've been? ...I've been wondering the same thing. The move, a baby, and a job.

So, here it is. We moved from PA back to Utah.
There was a big mess with the moving company.
They were suppose to be at the house in PA on the 1st or 2nd of July they still hadn't shown up by the 17th.
So my father and brother-in-law (thank you both soooo much) flew back to PA rented a truck and brought all of our things to Utah. Again, thank you thank you!

Also, we had the birth of our 3rd child, Hannah Catherine, on July 28th. She weighed 7 pounds 13 ounces 19 1/2 inches long. Seriously, she's a cutie pie and we are all in love with her here at our house.
I had a c-section and was a wake this time (I was completely out with my c-section with Asher because it was an emergency and my epidural wasn't working). I threw up twice, right before the surgery began and once during. I know, I'm not sparing you the details. I want to remember everything about this especially because we didn't take any pictures in the hospital. I know, what kind of parents are we?
It all went pretty fast and the only thing I could really feel was Dr. Lunt pushing on the top of my belly to get that girl to come out. Everyone was so nice. I'm  not saying it was a pleasant experience but everyone was nice.
Heath kept standing up to look beyond the "curtain". I told him he needed to sit down because I would be very angry if he passed out on me. At one point he said, "What's that?" the doctor said it was my uterus (it was just handing out outside my body). Heath was trying to be funny. I think for two reasons, he was nervous and he wanted to calm me down. But seriously Heath you don't say ,"Do you hear that noise? I think it's a saw." to a lady on the operating table. Love you anyway.
After they wrapped the girl up and handed her to Heath he brought her around so I could see her. And then I saw them. yes, the chubbiest cheeks ever. I really thought she would weigh more.
He told me both of her arms worked.
I have to admit I would love any baby that I could be blessed with but after you have a baby that experiences a few things that you weren't expecting it makes you think...and check. Although Heath and I didn't express any feelings toward that to each other after he made that comment I knew we were both wondering the same things.

My pain was controlled so much better after this c-section and the transfer to my bed was awesome compared to the one in PA. I threw up again when they moved me upstairs (this time is hurt like crazy)  and I thought I might die if I didn't stop dry heaving. I threw up a few more times and then they gave me something awesome for nausea. (and I was on morphine so that helped some too). First day I was kind of out of it but I got up and walked around that evening.
Next day was way better. Hannah passed her hearing test and her biliruben score was a little high but they didn't have to put her under the lights (Yes, double YES!) . We had to get it checked a few more times when we got home but still no lights. So grateful for that!
I had Hannah on Thursday and my parents were here on Sunday. They stayed a week and today they left. My dad has to get back to work I guess. boooooo!
So, we had lots of yummy food to eat, good company and I got to take lots of naps.
I like having a summer baby. You don't have to worry so much about them getting sick.

Here's some more exciting news. Del Parson (yes, the famous artist that does a lot of paintings of Christ) called Heath right before we left PA and offered him a teaching job at Dixie College. What?  a job? In his field that he graduated in? Yes, double YES!

I just want to say that we are sooooo blessed. There have been so many people who have helped us in so many ways these past few months (ok really years). Some in small ways and other in large ways (you might compare the large ways to the size of a van) but all are appreciated.

President Spencer W. Kimball said:
"God does notice us, and he watches over us. But it is usually through another person that he meets our needs. Therefore, it is vital that we serve each other in the kingdom... In the Doctrine and Covenants we read about how important it is to '...succor the weak, lift up the hands which hang down, and strengthen the feeble knees.' (D&C 81:5.) So often, our acts of service consist of simple encouragement or of giving mundane help with mundane tasks, but what glorious consequences can flow from mundane acts and from small but deliberate deeds!" ("Small Acts of Service," Ensign, Dec 1974, 2).

Hannah Catherine

Asher likes to put Heath head phones on and listen to his ipod sometimes and dance. Isn't this the best picture EVER?!

for some  reason it's not letting me put more pictures on here

I'm convinced that swaddling is a good thing
that when there's a will there's a way.
so glad I can sleep on my belly and bend over to shave my legs.

June 19, 2011

Yours, mine, and their's (A FATHER'S DAY POST)

I have a lot to be grateful for in the way of fathers.

YOURS (aka Heath's)

I have a great father-in-law that I got to hear about today in sacrament meeting.
He is a great man and I love him


My dad isn't always great at expressing his feelings but I know how he feels about me and I hope he knows how I feel about him. Love you dad!


and the father of my children. Well, let me just tell you, about 2 weeks ago I woke up and was past the point of no return for puking. I made it down the stair but unfortunately did not make it to the toilet before the first heave ho. Then I puked again right in front of the bathroom door. (thank goodness it's wood flooring). I then made it to the toilet where Heath joined me. He held my hair back until I could tell him where my pony tail holder was and did a fine job (this time) of putting my hair back.  I was sitting on the edge of the bathtub and apparently my prego belly is so big that I was unable to lean over the required distance to actually land all the puke in the toilet. A lot of it landed to the side on and around the trash can and on the side of the little piece of furniture we have in there. I told him I would help clean up but when it was all said and done I was just to exhausted and yucky. He cleaned it all by himself and didn't gag once.
Now that is true LOVE!

Also, (sorry I gotta go) today is father's day and he let me take a nap. I was seriously exhausted. Again, that's love.


May 31, 2011

What's in your food?

I know that lots of you don't even care. BUT YOU SHOULD!!!!
And I know some do.
Do you know that 90% of the food in the grocery store is processed?
It contains preservatives (it sits in salt and yucky chemicals) and it lacks the live enzymes that your body needs to function properly. These include:

•canned foods with large amounts of sodium or fat
•breads and pastas made with refined white flour instead of whole grains
•packaged high-calorie snack foods such as chips and candies
•frozen fish sticks and frozen dinners that are high in sodium
•packaged cakes and cookies
•boxed meal mixes that are high in fat and sodium
•sugary breakfast cereals
•processed meats
 (Just to name a few)

And the food that is NOT processed? I know you are wondering.
Well, that would be the fruits and vegetables at the front of the store that have been harvested prematurely (not at it's peak of ripeness when all the nutrients are available), then are sprayed with a plant chemical to help them ripen unnaturally, then shipped across the country or countries, then they sit on the shelf for a few days before you and I go into the store to purchase them.
Um...exactly what kind of nutrients are left?
To be honest, I don't really know but I know it's greatly diminished through that process.
Sounds gross, huh? Well, it does to me. 

Why am I blogging this you ask.

Well, I'm promoting growing your own. I'm sure someone somewhere has started a "grow your own" revolution. Be part of it! Grow what you can and do it ORGANICALLY! That seems to be a popular and fun word to say lately but do you know what it means and why it might be important.
Here's a definition on Wikipedia.
Organic foods are foods that are produced using methods that do not involve modern synthetic inputs such as pesticides and chemical fertilizers, do not contain genetically modified organisms, and are not processed using irradiation, industrial solvents, or chemical food additives.
For the vast majority of human history, agriculture can be described as "organic"; only during the 20th century was a large supply of new synthetic chemicals introduced to the food supply. The organic farming movement arose in the 1940s in response to the industrialization of agriculture known as the Green Revolution.

Yikes! I know that there are some studies that link the pesticides and chemical fertilizers to tons of different medical conditions.

Do you know how they do things in other countries? Did you know that in other countries Mac 'n Cheese has different (more simple) ingredients than the Mac 'n Cheese sold in America?
Someone I know said that she bets that "Mr. Kraft" doesn't feed the American Mac 'n Cheese to his kids.
I would guess the same thing.
In France and other countries they garden all year round. This is nothing new for them. Why isn't this more common in America? Heck if I know.
So, here's the info. I'm reading this book called Four-Season Harvest by Eliot Coleman.

You can harvest your own fruits and vegetables all year round. No, really, it's true!
By the way homegrown tastes a MILLION times better than store bought!

I'm not only for growing your own fruits and vegetables but your own meat too.
I don't do that YET but when we get settled somewhere I'm pretty set on getting chickens (for eggs and meat), maybe a few ducks, a cow (who knows). We'll see.

Bake your own, you'll know exactly what's in it because you put it there.
Use a popcorn popper to make popcorn instead of the microwave.

I know what you're thinking now. BUT I DON'T HAVE THE TIME! (for gardening or baking)
I'll tell you one thing everything worth while takes some time.
I'll do another post on saving time later but for now get your garden going if you haven't, make and bake your own, and try organic.

By the way, not saying we don't eat processed food sometimes...we do. We just try not to eat so much of it and we (by we I think I mean me) try to spread the word. FOOD IS GOING DOWNHILL FAST!

May 22, 2011

"Taking Chance"

So, the other night I watched a movie.
The title "Taking Chance".
I admit I am a fan of romantic comedies and comedies by themselves (although it's rare to find one these days that is clean enough to watch with kids, so I don't watch them) but this was a good movie.
There is no comedy in this movie, it's a pretty solemn movie, very moving, and filled with respect.
It is about an officer in the Marines returning a fallen soldier to his family.
It showed the process the fallen soldier went through to be prepared to return to their home town.
I was impressed by the respect and honor they showed to the soldier from the very beginning of this process.
He was cleaned, both body and personal effects.
Every time the casket was moved on or off a plane or to or from a vehicle the fallen soldier
was saluted, hats were taken off and a reverence was shown.

I haven't known anyone personally whose life was taken in a war or serving our country but I do know people who have served in the Marines, Army, and Navy. I have to say I have felt grateful for all who served but never more than after I watched this movie.

My Bishop is an old Marine. He doesn't talk about the war itself (none of them do) but he does talk about sand in all the food he ate and the Lord sparing his life several times.
My grandfather was in the Navy and the only story I know of came from my mother.
His life was spared also.

Just want to say THANK YOU to all those who have served, are presently serving, and those who plan to serve our country. May repect and  honor follow you where ever you go.

May 5, 2011

Deep in the heart of Texas.

It's a superhero thing. (and sort of dirty and slobbery)

This too!

this too

and this.

My new cute neice Olivia.

My other cute new neice Ember.
My mom will have 4 new grandbabies with in a year. 2 down , 2 to go.

This is one of memaw's favorite book and it's tradition for her to read it to the grandbabies.
Horton Hatches The Egg.

The boys helped grandpa wash the car.

We helped grandpa with his square foot garden on Earth Day! Yep, we're green.

We went to San Antonio for Time Out For Women. (Well, the girls) We all fit in the small elevator.

We ate Mexican food. Yum! They just don't have Mexican food in PA.

Noah fell asleep at dinner with uncle Josh. He carried Noah all the way back to the Hotel.

We saw the Alamo. It's part of Texas history. I'll let you google it.

Me with my Sister-in-law, Sommer. We are just a few weeks apart. Apparantly, her husband (my brother Josh) has put on some sympathy weight or he might be pregnant too.

Noah wore this helmet most of the way home from San Antonio.

Asher has red long johns. When grandpa got home we found out that he has some too.

We had an Easter egg hunt but my pictures were all terrible.
Heard Sherri Dew speak at Time Out for Women.
She's great!
I've seen all my family here.
I've been with my mother to buy a dining room table.
I got sunburned helping put in a square foot garden.
I had a miagraine after I mowed my sister back yard.
It was fixed by essential oils and reflexology (which is amazing because if I don't have good meds I'm usually in the ER with a 2 day hang over)
I've read good books.
Learned a little bit about aquaponics and solar gardening.
Missing my husband.
Glad my mom is retired.
Glad my sister does awesome research on everything.
She found stainless still baby bottles. cool, huh?
The boys like to run around in their undies (and diaper) in the warm weather.
My dad stepped in dog poop today.
I watched a good movie (What If) with my mom.
I've heard ya'll, thank ya, and been around a lot of nice southern folks.
I got a few books I can't wait to read.
I made burp cloths and a baby blanket.
Went to a rain harvesting class with my dad.
ate BlueBell ice cream.
Missed a months worth of Biggest Loser.
Did I miss the finale?
My mom got me the first baby girl onesies.
I think Asher weighs 23 pounds now. I know!
Pretty sure we are moving back to Utah.
and just so you know I'm not going to proof read this. It's taken too long with pictures and such.
That's all I guess.