It's random, lovely, full of misspelled words and terrible punctuation. It's about me, Erin, my family and friends, in real life. There's sugar but no sugar coating.
"Come what may, and love it!......Yet in spite of discouragement and adversity, those who are happiest seem to have a way of learning from difficult times, becoming stronger, wiser, and happier as a result." ~ Elder Joseph B. Wirthlin
Today I decided to take the boys outside.
They wanted to take a walk so I took them on a walk through the wooded area behind our house.
There are still no leaves on trees so you can see straight back to the little pond.
Anyway, I told them not to touch anything unless they asked me first.
Moments later from behind I hear, "Mom, gwapes!"
I turn and do the only thing I can do with the amount of time I'm facing.
I yell, "AsherNOthat'spoop!" Yes, I'm pretty sure that came out as one word.
Deer poop in fact. It was not a grape at all and it was within inches of his lips.
Sooooooooo glad I caught it before it went in.
The rest of the walk we heard "more poop!, more poop!" Lots of deer behind are house apparently.
Also, right now it's snowing outside.
Dear PA,
Don't you know it's the end of March, that the official first day of Spring was the 20th, all the snow just melted. Seriously, STOP SNOWING!
In the past week I've made gluten free corn bread muffins, lemon pound cake (oh so good), pancakes, bread and tortillas are on the list for tomorrow. I don't think I've been feeding Heath very well so this past week I've been trying to do a little better.
Dinner time is sometimes hectic. Heath's not here a lot of the time because he's at school.
He seems to be able to calm them a little easier than I can at the dinner table.
Noah screams and says, "I'm not eating this yuck, yuck, yuck!"
This is before he even tastes it.
Then Asher screams back, "Four more bites!"
He says this because Noah never really likes to eat so he takes a few bites then we have to do the "4 more bites" routine (obviously done enough that Asher knows it too)
When Noah doesn't want to do things he has lots of excuses which include:
I can't my hands are too small.
It's too heavy.
I can't get up.
No, thanks, I just busy.
If he doesn't want to eat - It's too hot or too big.
My hands and/or legs won't work.
I'm just tired.
It really is funny sometimes.
I got out some bigger clothes for Asher today. 24 months.
They'll be a little big on 'em but they're summer clothes and Noah's hand me downs.
It'll work.
I love reading lately. I've been reading books about chickens and several on motherhood and parenting.
I've still have a little stack of books to get to and 1 coming in the mail.
My spider plant and my aloe plants are having babies too.
Tis the season I guess.
I don't know if I have ever put anything on my blog about Square Foot Gardening.
It really is the best type of gardening in the world. Check it out HERE.
Even if you think you're the best gardener and maybe you are, you should still check it out.
Also, I've been reading some in a book called "The Urban Homesteader"
and I think everyone should have edible landscaping.
Why spend money on landscaping that doesn't give back.
This really deserves a post all its own.
I'm talkin' fruit and nut trees, berry bushes, and gardening your lawn space.
Asher keeps asking to be put on the potty. He might be ready to potty train but I'm not sure I am.
"Even in the darkest hours, there is light, and there is hope.
It is this light and hope that women so ably distribute to all who enter their lives. It is this light and hope that enables all women to mother - to recognize that "the world is filled with people to be loved, guided, taught, lifted, and inspired.
Our ability to mother our own children - to mother all children, really - is an innate gift bestowed upon us by a gracious Father in Heaven who loves us and knows what we can become."
Just got done reading "I Am a Mother" by Jane Clayson Johnson.
"You are doing God's work. You are doing it wonderfully well. He is blessing you, and He will bless you, even -no especially - when your days and your nights may be most challenging. Like the woman who anonymously, meekly, perhaps even with hesitation and some embarrassment, found her way through the crowd just to touch the hem of the Master's garment, so Christ will say to the women who worry and wonder and weep over their responsibility as mothers, "Daughter, be of good comfort; thy faith hath made thee whole." And it will make your children whole as well." ("Because She Is a Mother," 37)
A lady spoke on Sunday about sharing the gospel of Jesus Christ.
She was talking about missionary work and how we could help others "change their eternal address".
I loved it! Eternal address? I've never heard it put quite like that.
I started to think about my own eternal address and what I wanted it to look like.
Mother: Erin P.
A mansion prepared by my Father
Celestial Kingdom, Heaven
I thought about all the other possible "addresses" in our Father's kingdom.
Some don't seem so bad, some seem rather good and the best...well, makes me want to cry with joy.
Just recently I purchased a few book on being a mother. In one of the books the foreword is done by Sheri Dew (which I found interesting because she has never married and never had children).
She says, " For mother is the word that will define a righteous woman made perfect in the highest degree of the celestial Kindom, a woman who has qualified for eternal increase in posterity, wisdom, joy, and influence."
I know that Sheri Dew rejoices in this too with the knowledge that everyone will have an opportunity.
That's what I am shooting for. I am a Mother and want to be forever!
Here's to eternal addresses and sharing the gospel to help others with their eternal address.
My grandfather passed away last night around 10 pm.
It didn't make me sad to hear the news this morning only because I know he is not suffering anymore.
Also, I found out today that I am having a GIRL.
I have to admit I would have been fine with a boy but I am ecstatic about having a girl.
She measured a little small so it's possible they will change my due date from August 4th to August 22nd.
Hope you are all having a great time. Love you all!
March 11, 2011
Poppy, my grandfather, Clarence Oliver Burris gave me the nickname E.Katie.P. I am named after his wife, my grandmother, Nanaw, Catherine. When his memory started to go he was reminded who I was by "the girl you use to watch jump the hurdles". He had come to some of my track meets. Now with his memory not serving him so well, the old hurdle trick doesn't work anymore. He hardly remembers his own children and I think it's very distressing to him. My grandfather is a neat man, a poet, a dad, a grandfather, a husband with a Bible all marked up and worn. I did a post on him a little while ago. You can read one of his poems HERE. It's a favorite.
I'm not near my grandfather although I hear about his care frequently. I'm so thankful for the people who have taken such good care of him for so long. My Aunt Janna, my Aunt Ronna, my own mother, and my Uncle Tim. They have sacrificed a lot (including a lot of sleep) to care for him.
I don't think he has too much longer here on earth. I think he's ready to go. I don't know exactly what is needed to complete his mission here but I'm sure it's purpose is for someone else. Probably to teach things that could not be taught any other way. I know he will rejoice when he is united with Catherine again.
I Love Poppy!
Mark 10:13 Then they brought little children to Him, that He might touch them; but the disciples rebuked those who brought them. But when Jesus saw it, he was greatly displeased and said to them, "let the little children come to Me, and do not forbid them; for of such is the kingdom of God." Assuredly, I say to you, whoever does not receive the kingdom of God as a little child will by no means enter it." and He took them up in His arms, laid His hands on them, and blessed them.
I found this post on not spanking and really loved it. Wanted to share. For every parent I think.
It really is time to blog again. So much has happened.
I am now 18 (almost 19 weeks) pregnant. I have my ultrasounds next week.
I had to take little Asher to the ER on Friday.
He fell off a chair and fractured his left arm ("the good arm")
After he fell off the chair, he cried some and then went to sleep.
When he woke up he wasn't using his left arm like he usually does.
Thank goodness we were at a friends house and they were able to watch Noah.
Heath was suppose to be going out of town to New York but come to find out after the trip to the ER the
bus had broken down and they never left (blessing)
I cried almost all the way to the hospital.
I couldn't help but think of all this little guy has gone through.
When we were leaving our friends house he said, "Noah coming?"
I told him that he wasn't and that we would be back for him.
He said, "where going?"
I tried to change the subject and ask him if he would like some french fries or ice cream (I know not the healthiest but remember I was trying to distract him).
but again, "where going?"
I said, "We are going to see the nice doctor."
He started crying and saying, "want to! want to!" while shaking his head no.
I turned the radio on which seemed to calm him.
Then I focused on drying up my tears before we got there.
Hard to do but I did pretty well until they called us back and started asking questions.
My heart hurt for that little boy.
They gave him some pain medicine and then off to x-rays. He got lots of stickers.
there was a T.V. in our room so I laid on the bed with him and propped him up on a pillow.
His little arm was resting by his side not moving much.
He wanted to watch the basketball game.
You see, Asher loves sports. He's a little over 2 but loves sports.
He has thrown a ball for as long as I can remember.
In the nursery they have a little basketball and hoop.
He spends almost all his time shooting hoops. He really is quite good.
Anyway, we watched the basketball game while nurses came in and out.
The doctor finally came in and said they couldn't see anything in the x-ray which
at first was a relief to me. Then he said, "but kids don't usually act this way unless something is wrong."
He wanted to do another x-ray. After that, he determined there was a little dark spot in the x-ray above his elbow.
They splinted him and put him in a sling and we were off.
We had appointment with the orthopedic doctor on Monday.
They casted him. He picked the color himself. Noah made it clear that he wanted his to be pink.
Asher was pretty calm.
Then we all went to breakfast.
Asher is two and I don't think we've all ever gone out to eat before.
I think the boys really liked it and breakfast food is my fav.
Asher likes to vacuum for me. He always says, "Help mama?"
He even still does it with only one arm.
Noah loves doing a robot dance from backyardigans.
He always says, "You wanna see my robot song?"
and for some reason he always needs socks or gloves on to perform.
Today is my mother's birthday.
My grandfather is not doing so well and will probably not be here much longer.
I think it will be a good thing given his current condition.
He is really blessed to have children that love him and really take care of him.
Having worked with elderly people I know that the elderly are not always taken care of well.
Also, I made this scripture cover.
Don't look too closely I need to brush up on my sewing skills.
Also, here's the next challenge in the Word of Wisdom blog.
He's a Grad student. He makes pots. He likes hunting and hanging out with his boys. You can visit his blog at (or click the picture).
"We artist are indestructible, even in a prison cell or a concentration camp I would be almighty in my own world of art. Even if I had to paint my pictures with my wet tongue on the dusty floor of my cell." - Pablo Picasso
Asher helps me develop faith. He has a nerve injury on his right arm. He also has trouble gaining weight. He sees an occupational therapist 2 times a week. He is sweet and shy but has a funny personality.
this is our story.
i called him. he said yes. he kissed me. i said, "i love you." he said, "i like you twelve." (that equals i love you.) he said "will you?" i said, "yes". we got married. he started school. we had noah. i became a mom. he became an artist. we moved to pa. he became a grad student. then came asher and i became the mom of 2. we moved back to utah. he became a teacher. me? the mom of three. we are happy. we are blessed.
Children are made readers on the laps of their parents. - Emily Buchwald