It's been 1 month, 1 week and 4 days since my last post.
It's part of an experiment (well, sorta). We got rid of the internet but
that's a post for another day.
Let's see...where to start?
I don't have much time so I won't go into a lot of detail and I tried to post some pictures but it's not working, sorry.
Well, Asher had surgery this past Friday.
They did a muscle release and a tendon transfer.
He's in a light blue cast that goes around his abdomen starting below his belly button up under his arm pit and on his right arm the cast goes to his wrist. The right arm is up as if he were raising his arm the the square.
I really like the doctor that performed the surgery.
I wasn't really nervous this time.
We have been praying a lot, he received a blessing and I knew that that doctor would be guided.
He (the doctor) said everything went smoothly. I almost had to tell him why. Wish I would of.
2 days down, 5 weeks and 5 days 'til Asher gets his cast off. It's like having a new born again only more frustrating for Asher because he's used to getting around by himself. I got another calling. The Bishop called it welfare something rather but it's emergency preparedness related and I teach a class each month.
Hope you are still preparing and listening to Brother Beck.
I went to girls camp this past week.
It was fun and I had a good time getting to know other people in our stake.
I cut my finger carving a spoon out of a block of wood. It turned out pretty well, surprisingly.
Noah is doing well. He goes to school a few times a week. A man named George picks him up in a school bus (really a mini van). That was a big step for me.
He is doing so well with his speech.
He's such a funny kid.
Heath has been doing random jobs during the summer to bring in some money.
Rex and Lorie sent us a few bucks to take the kids to see Toy Story 3 along with Toy Story 3 T-Shirts. They wore them to the movie. It was so cute. Wish I could post the picture. Thank you!
Oh, also, I don't know if I told you this yet but Asher is walking.
Well, he was before he got his half body cast on. We're to nervous to let him walk around by himself now.
It's true that being a mother to my two babies has changed my life forever. I will never be the same and how grateful I am. Also true that Heath doesn't like the spoons from Wendy's and that we have 9 quart jars of pickles from the cucumbers in our garden with some waiting to be pickled. Also true that I went to an educational farm and took a class on what to do with all the cream from raw milk. So far I've made butter. You should look into using raw milk.
That's all for now. I hope to post pictures soon.
Is Chocolate Actually Healthy for You?
2 weeks ago
I've missed you! I love your little family and hearing about all the fun things going on. And yeah for pickles!
I vote you get your internet back. I'm not much of a telephone talker, so I LOVE to be able to stay in touch & know what the heck is going on with you guys!!! So glad his surgery went well & we'll keep praying that his recovery is quick too. Miss you guys! Lots of love!!!
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