Today we went to see the neurosurgeon in Pittsburgh.
She still wants to stick the needles in Asher's arm (while he's awake).
She also suggested that we see a orthopedic doctor. Yes, another doctor.
I told her I wouldn't agree to the EMG (the needles in the arm) unless I had more info.
So, she said she would have the doctor that would be preforming the test call me.
We got in the car and headed out the parking lot in time for me to turn my phone on and get a message from the doctor saying that the orthopedic doctor was going to be there this afternoon if we wanted to wait and see him.
Well, it was a two hour drive so, we stayed.
The orthopedic doctors was really nice.
He looked at Asher's arm, asked me a few questions, then asked the neurosurgeon to see the MRI.
They left and came back.
The doctor explained to me that the head of the humerus (the ball) was more posterior than it should be (toward the back) and that the scapula (shoulder blade) was underdeveloped and did not form a socket like it should.
These abnormalities were making it so he couldn't external rotate his arm.
He said that there are two things that we can try.
One is a release of the muscle anterior on the shoulder.
This would allow him to be able to externally rotate and build muscle on the back of his shoulder.
He said he could also take Asher Lat muscle (which is an internal rotater) and cut it, move it around and make it an external rotater. This might allow him to raise his arm up higher too.
He said he could do them at the same time and Asher would need to be in a cast for 6 weeks.
Heath wasn't with me so I told him I would call and let me know.
I was just glad to finally get answers, to actually know what's going on with this little guys shoulder and arm.
It's true that if you wait long enough answers will come. Well, most the time. and also true that in the future I'm skipping all the "middle men" and going straight for the specialists. I think it's more patience = more blessings. Also, put the Lord first and all other things will fall into their proper place or drop out of your life.
Is Chocolate Actually Healthy for You?
2 weeks ago
So glad you guys are getting some answers after such a looooonnng time. Give Asher a hug from us....and Noah too! Love you guys!
That is crazy! I will be praying for you guys. Keep us posted.
Glad that you are finding things out. I agree just go to the specials. Having to get referrals is so wrong.
Reading your blog feels a little like dejavu. I wish we lived closer, I would love to sit and chat about hospitals, doctors and all the things that go along with not knowing what is wrong with your perfect little one. I'm glad you're starting to get some answers, not knowing is the absolute worst. Doctors can be a pain, but some are true miracle workers, I wish you the best!
so thankful that your patience is paying off and that you are hearing what you need to hear. i can't imagine how tough it has been for you, but your patience truly is paying off (and i'm sure you are learning many life lesson throughout the journey). prayers that whatever you choose will help your little man move his arm better, and that all this information has given you a little bit of peace. you're doing an awesome job with those boys! they are precious!
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