We are in Texas. Well, me, Asher, and Noah that is.
We have had our Blue Bell ice cream, some warm weather, and 2 visits to the reflexologist.
In the beginning things were great.
After the first visit he was swallowing better.
Yes, I said swallowing. He puts food in his mouth, chews it, and swallows.
It's great. He has been eating pancakes, waffles, pizza, lasagna, and other stuff.
Only at the next visit she told me to switch to coconut milk and almond milk and to really simplify his diet.
Having him eat one fruit and vegetable and waiting 3 days and adding another.
This is suppose to help the lining of his stomach.
Well, the kid is not fond of the coconut milk and won't drink it.
I'm trying to do what this lady says but he's not having it.
I don't know why it's stressing me out so.
I think it's because I have tried so many things and what this lady is saying is making since to me
but it's not working out.
I told my mother to take him for a week and get him to eat the way he's "suppose to" and bring him back.
I didn't really mean it but it's hard sometimes.
I'm just about done trying to "fix" him.
I like reflexology and I think nutrition has a lot to do with our well being.
This is how I'm feeling today.
I've decided I don't like the new Star Wars movies and that the way Yota talks is just annoying.
Sorry, this post is sounding a little depressing
skip it if you want.
no hurt feelings.
If I didn't love that kid so much this would be a lot easier:)