It's random, lovely, full of misspelled words and terrible punctuation. It's about me, Erin, my family and friends, in real life. There's sugar but no sugar coating.
"Come what may, and love it!......Yet in spite of discouragement and adversity, those who are happiest seem to have a way of learning from difficult times, becoming stronger, wiser, and happier as a result." ~ Elder Joseph B. Wirthlin
Another year has gone by. I have to say it's been a good one. A rough one, but a good one. One I won't forget. A little angel came into our lives, Heath completed a year of grad school (making a year and a half total), Noah started school and found out what Star Wars is, and I learned a little bit about canning peaches and applesauce and a lot about myself.
It's true that Asher has a little raspy voice right now from all his coughing and it sounds so cute. Also true that I will probably be in bed by 10:00 pm (that is midnight in PA).
Well, I have no pictures because I didn't bring the cord to my camera to Utah, sorry! My boys have been sick. Fever, runny noses, coughs and extra snugly (I don't mind that part). I should feel lucky that Asher made it 11 months without a fever. We took them to the Doctor yesterday. Dr. Marsden. He was Noah's pediatrician when we lived here and I absolutely LOVE him. I mean LOVE him! He's very thorough and detailed, very nice, funny, and always remembers us. While we were there finding out that Noah had an ear infection and Asher had a viral infection in his throat (which resulted in less eating, more crying, and well... you get the picture), I told him I wanted his opinion about Asher. I told him everything. The nerve injury, the throwing up, the poor weight gain, the gaging...everything. Then he told us what he would do. Lets just say I asked if he would write it all down. My first thought was WHY didn't the doctors we have been seeing do all these things. Then questions. There was a test he thought might be good for Asher called a sweat test. I told Dr. Marsden that he does sweat a lot. He said it doesn't really have much to do with sweating. He said it was to test for cystic fibrosis. Cystic fibrosis? I knew exactly what this was because of my physical therapy training. I have never treated anyone with this illness but knew a person with it. My heart started beating quickly, I think timed actually stood still, and I felt sick. My feelings must have spread quickly to my face because the next words out of Dr. Marsden's mouth were, "I don't want to scare you. The chances are very slim but we want to rule everything out." Our insurance is not good in Utah so we decided to wait until we get home to get the test done. Upon leaving the office my mind and heart went to prayer. I reflected on this past year with all it's doctors appointments, worrying, wondering and tears. Then came the good part...the eternal perspective, remembering my faith, remembering all the blessings. I was comforted and knew that whatever happened I could handle it. Whatever happened would be what Heavenly Father wanted for us. I have to say that the old me might have curled up in bed and cried for a while. Not yesterday, I admit that I shed a few tears but I feel like the faith that I have gained has prepared me (in a way) for whatever lies ahead. I'm not saying it will be easy, just easier.
I need thee every hour, Most gracious Lord.
No tender voice like thine can peace afford.
I need thee , oh, I need thee; Every hour I need thee!
Oh, bless me now my Savior; I come to thee!
Today I cried a little. I was worrying about my boys. Noah found me crying.
Noah: What's wong, owie?
Me: No, mommy is sad.
Noah: fire? hot?
Me: No, mommy is sad.
He wiped a tear from my face and said, "wash?" which I think means "wipe" because when he wants his nose wiped he says, "washy nose?".
What a sweet baby. I cried a little more. I love my babies.
And there were in the same country shephards abiding in the field, keeping watch over their flock by night. And, lo, the angel of the Lord came upon them, and the glory of the Lord shone round about them: and they were sore afraid. And the angel said unto them, Fear not: for, behold, I bring you good tidings of great joy, which shall be to all people. For unto you is born this day in the city of David a Saviour, which is Christ the Lord. And this shall be a sign unto you; Ye shall find the babe wrapped in swaddling clothes, lying in a manager. And suddenly there was with the angel a multitude of the heavenly host praising God, and saying, Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, good will toward men.
Asher went to Shriner's today. He weighed in at 15 pounds 12 ounces which is a gain from the weight loss last visit. There was happiness but no celebration.
We had our ward Christmas party last Friday and guess who was there? Yep, Santa Claus. I wasn't sure how Noah would respond to him this year. We've been watching The Polar Express and Elf some so he gets the idea of Santa. When the news was that Santa was coming down the hall Noah's face lite up. When he came in the room Noah turned to me and said, "Mommy, look!" We went up front and waited our turn in line to talk to Santa. Noah kept saying, "My turn?, My turn?". We finally got to Santa and Noah was so shy. He didn't sit in his lap but I told him to say hi and he did. I told him to tell Santa that he wanted a choo choo and he did. Then I told him to hug Santa and he did. All too cute.
This is the only shot I got because my camera is a little more than a few years old and it takes a while in between taking pictures.
Asher, however, not so fond of Santa.
I was thinking about how I admire people who are true to who they are under difficult circumstances. Like people that don't fuel the fire of gossip or people that are not so quick to judge others. Here, let me explain or better yet let me give you an example. Just know that I have repented. :)
A few months ago Heath and I were driving down the main road in a near by town. I noticed a yard that wasn't so nice looking. Toys were everywhere, maybe a little trash, and some things that could certainly use some straightening. I commented and said,"Why would someone living on this main road keep their yard so messy?" I didn't expect what came next. Heath looked at me then answered something like this, "Maybe a single mother that works two jobs lives in that home. Maybe she is using the time she does have to spend with her children instead of picking up her yard." Nothing like that had even crossed my mind. What if? My heart softened and my judgmental attitude quickly turned to prayer. A prayer to repent and a prayer for whoever lived in that home. If it was true or not true, it didn't matter. I prayed for whoever was in that home. Heath is a good example to me.
It's true that I saw a real sugar plum the other day. I didn't even know they were real. Also true that the new Charlie and The Chocolate Factory is Noah's favorite movie right now. And true that Charlie Bucket is really wise beyond his years. Some more truth is that I wish that the room where everything is eatable (including the grass) really existed and that I could go in it. I'm thinking I might tend to be a little on the Augustus Gloop side of things. Don't judge me! :)
I can't believe how fast December is flying.
it's going to be Christmas before I know it.
It snowed yesterday.
when I looked out the window I couldn't help but think it looked like a Christmas card
The week before last Asher was sick with a cold
almost every time he coughed he would gag and throw up
I felt like he was throwing up every feeding
i would say a prayer each time hoping that he would keep it down
last Wednesday's appointment at Shriner's showed the effects. he lost weight. stink and a few tears!
on top of that, last week he wouldn't eat.
He would cry at the very sight of a bottle.
i found myself trying to force feed him which only worked some of the time.
this is very hard on a mother.
I finally called the doctor on Friday.
She said to take the polycose out of his bottle (used to increase calories) and try a cup
I did
things have slowly gotten better
Sunday he started eating better
yesterday he ate more then he has ever eaten in his life (volume)
he's eating solids with more ease and less gagging
He hasn't thrown up in about a week (which is the best it's been since his birth, i think)
Things are really looking up.
I learned something at last Relief Society session of conference.
we were encouraged to pray to be equal to the task and not always to ask for our burdens to be lightened
that's what i got out of it anyway
I admit at times I really want to ask for my burdens to be lightened, really, really
and maybe sometimes I do
but there is something to be said of asking to be strengthen that you might be able to endure
I love when Noah says mom or mommy. His speech delay still makes this new and precious for me.
This morning he said "I luf you" without me saying it first.
my heart was happy.
He and Asher played a little today
both were laughing and again my heart was happy.
Be thou humble in thy weakness, and the Lord thy God shall lead thee,
Shall lead thee by the hand and give thee answer to thy prayers.
Be thou humble in thy pleading, and the Lord thy God shall bless thee,
Shall bless thee with a sweet and calm assurance that he cares.
- Be Thou Humble - pg. 130 of the LDS Hymnal
He's a Grad student. He makes pots. He likes hunting and hanging out with his boys. You can visit his blog at (or click the picture).
"We artist are indestructible, even in a prison cell or a concentration camp I would be almighty in my own world of art. Even if I had to paint my pictures with my wet tongue on the dusty floor of my cell." - Pablo Picasso
Asher helps me develop faith. He has a nerve injury on his right arm. He also has trouble gaining weight. He sees an occupational therapist 2 times a week. He is sweet and shy but has a funny personality.
this is our story.
i called him. he said yes. he kissed me. i said, "i love you." he said, "i like you twelve." (that equals i love you.) he said "will you?" i said, "yes". we got married. he started school. we had noah. i became a mom. he became an artist. we moved to pa. he became a grad student. then came asher and i became the mom of 2. we moved back to utah. he became a teacher. me? the mom of three. we are happy. we are blessed.
Children are made readers on the laps of their parents. - Emily Buchwald