"Come what may, and love it!......Yet in spite of discouragement and adversity, those who are happiest seem to have a way of learning from difficult times, becoming stronger, wiser, and happier as a result." ~ Elder Joseph B. Wirthlin

December 22, 2008


Oh what fun it is for a 2 year old to take pictures!:)
33 weeks and Heath's face says it all! I'm being induced at 38 weeks so 5 to go.

Well, I'm not getting Christmas cards out this year. Just feeling a little too overwhelmed. I'm simplifying. :) We just wanted to wish everyone a Merry Christmas. My aunt requested some pictures so here's the best we could do. I think.


We had a ward Christmas party last Saturday and guess who showed up? Yep, you guessed it Santa! Noah is not too fond of him at this point so this is the best picture I could get. Poor baby!

December 12, 2008

4 Naps, 3 nights, and 72 hours

It's a miracle! Tuesday morning I woke up and decided we had to do some changing around here. I'm only about 7 weeks away from the arrival of the new baby and Noah just isn't ready. So, I decided Tuesday was the day to get rid of his "mimi" (AKA paci). I cut the tip off and told him it was broken. He tried it several times, throwing it to the ground between each attempt. After crying for an hour he was finally tired enough to go to sleep without it. That was the last time he saw it. I can tell he wants it sometimes but he's doing pretty good. My little boy is growing up. He even sleeps part of the night in his toddler bed. I'm trading a little snuggling time for the loss of the mimi. This baby will be here before I know it.

December 3, 2008

More Thanksgiving in Texas

Here's a picture of Noah with his cousins. It was hard to get them to all stay still and look at the camera. This is the best picture on my camera.
Noah helped decorate Grandma's Christmas tree.
The Saturday after Thanksgiving all the kids decorated sugar cookies. Have a look at this pile of cookies. Noah took ONE bite out of each cookie and stacked them. This is how far he got before we noticed and stopped him.

We had a great time in Texas. We were glad to see our family and Noah enjoyed playing with his cousins.

Thanksgiving in Texas

Me and my mommy. She doesnt' like her picture taken so this is her way of ducking the camera.
Noah boxing with Josh and Jon, my brothers.
My mom and my sister. Mom still trying to get away from the camera.

November 11, 2008


Here's the first pumpkin pie of the season. It's a family recipe I think from my Aunt Janna. Boy, was it yummy!

It's hunting season here in good ol' PA. Heath has a deer tag and two turkey tags. It looks like he shot Thanksgiving dinner this morning with his bow. Although I will be in Texas for Thanksgiving, Heath will be here and I'm sure he'll do something with the bird.

November 7, 2008

A super man, a pigtail and some super glue!

I don't usually type too much. I like to post pictures. BUT just wanted to tell everyone that my husband is a super man. This week wasn't so great for me. The dryer stopped working and my laundry was piling up quickly. We can't afford a repair man but Heath seemed to know what to do and he did it. He replaced the pigtail and now my dryer works. HOORAY! Then on the way home from church on Sunday I asked Heath if he would pull over so I could collect some leaves to press. He did. When we returned home I couldn't find my glasses ANYWHERE. I searched high and low before I realized that they were sitting in my lap when I left the car to collect the leaves. Yep, you guessed it. Left on the side of the road. So, Wednesday when we were headed back to church and the search was on. It only took about 5 minutes and two prayers to find them under leaves but unfortunately they were broken on one side at the hinge. I thought for sure that was it. I was going to have to walk around with tape on my glasses like a NERD! Well, Heath took them to school yesterday and came back with them looking like nothing had ever happened. I guess he used some kind of super strong glue. Anyway, I'm grateful for him and his ability to fix things. What a guy! If you're wondering about the picture that has nothing to do with what I just typed, here's the story. Little baby Noah had to get some blood drawn to figure out his allergies. The picture is of him afterward. He did pretty well. Only cried a little bit. What a big boy. I love my family!

November 1, 2008


The cutest duck I've ever seen!!!
After a few houses he started to get the hang of it. He couldn't say "trick or treat" but he was good at picking candy out of the bowl.
Can't wait to see all the other Halloween blogs.

Making Applesauce

Sister Householder and I made applesauce today. It was my first time. I'm learning how to do all sorts of neat things in this state.
Me coring the apples with a pampered chef apple corer/peeler. That's a lot of apples. We bought and entire bushel for $12.50. I didn't even know how big a bushel was until this weekend. :)

October 30, 2008

Fun in the snow.

This is what Noah does when you tell him to "Listen". He got it off of one of his Little Einstein movies. He started doing it and I couldn't tell what he was doing but Heath knew for some reason.
Bundled up baby boy. I took him up to the school to see Heath and the first thing Heath said was, "I can't put my arms down." A quote from The Christmas Story movie.
His first time in real snow. I taught him how to make and throw a snow ball. He thinks it's fun and laughs when he hits mommy or daddy.

October 29, 2008

Baby, it's cold outside!

Well, we woke up to snow this morning. Looks like it's going to be a cold Halloween. Thank goodness for 4WD.

October 27, 2008


Noah love to line things up and he loves trains. I think every car he owns made the picture. We'll have to get him a "real" train for Christmas.

October 20, 2008

Some people put their ducks in a row...

Noah put shoes in a row.

His books in a row.
His mother's decorative blocks in a row.

Noah puts lots of things in a row.

October 14, 2008

I"ve been tagged!

I've been tagged by Debbie, my sister-in-law.

the rules:
1. Link to the person that tagged you and post the rules on your blog.
2. Share 7 random and/or weird facts about yourself.
3. Tag 7 random people at the end of your post and include links to their blogs.
4. Let each person know that they've been tagged by leaving a comment on their blogs.

Lets see here...
1. I only watch G and PG movies.
2. I love to get good deals and love to yard sale.
3. I'm 29 and still eat gummy things (worms, bears, fingers around Halloween)
4. I'm somewhat of an emergency preparedness geek. (I get it from my father :)
5. I'm into organic, non-toxic and all natural.
6. Someday I want to have a yard big enough to have chickens and a nice garden.
7. I collect aprons.

October 11, 2008

Happy boy!

Play-Doh was one of his favorite presents.
Boy, is he happy!!!

My little cake eater

A great family photo. They say that the camera adds 10 pounds and well, I'm pregnant. So, that's about 30 pounds "extra". :)

Noah's Birthday Party

Noah sporting the birthday hat.
Daddy helping Noah open presents.
Noah saying "toot,toot" after opening a Thomas the Train video.
Yes, Noah got a bat and ball for his birthday. His father thinks it's time to get serious about baseball.:)
Noah attempting to blow out the candle.


This is Noah on his first birthday in his birthday chair.
This is Noah this year in the same chair. I can't believe how big he is and that he's 2.
This is the top of his birthday hat.
This is a camo birthday balloon. Camo has been a part of Noah's life from birth. His father is an avid hunter. :)

September 30, 2008

The pregnant belly at 21 weeks

Are we there yet?  (the end I mean) 40 weeks? I'm 21 weeks and feeling it.  They say the older you are the harder pregnancy is.  I'm starting to believe it. Ok, I'm not really feeling that bad.  It's just getting a little harder to maneuver the stairs and breathe at the same time.    

September 26, 2008


Noah is a good, little helper.
He helps with the laundry.
He helps empty the dishwasher.
And he helps with the baking. Wish I could get Heath to do that. :)