"Come what may, and love it!......Yet in spite of discouragement and adversity, those who are happiest seem to have a way of learning from difficult times, becoming stronger, wiser, and happier as a result." ~ Elder Joseph B. Wirthlin

September 20, 2009

Heath's pots, canning, a rough day, and guess who

These are some of Heath's most recent pots. My picture taking skill are lacking a bit. The one of the top is a bowl and the botton is a vase.

Our friends the Nazelrods came over yesterday to can some food. We bought #10 cans from the cannery and borrowed the stake can sealer. We filled 42 cans for us and I'm not sure exactly how many the Nazelrods did.  We canned white flour, powdered milk, popcorn, crisco, rice, beans, and wheat.


Noah had a rough day Saturday. He was standing on a chair and slipped off and scratched his back up. Shortly after that he cut his finger. Poor baby.

Guess who this is!?!


Michelle said...

My guess is Heath. I imagine you looked like your boys more. What do I win??
ps I love Asher's smile.

Jeff and ReAnn said...

Wow.... you even can your own food storage? You really are superwoman. Nice work Heath... it takes a lot of passions and skill to do big things like that. And what an adorable baby pic. They eyes is what give it away for sure.


My guess is Heath also. I love that pic of Asher....so cute!

sexy_rexy said...

where did you find that? it is heath.