I can't believe it.
5 years ago I had my first baby.
5 years ago I felt the most anxiety I've ever felt watching a tiny little baby in a little suitcase under lights for being jaundice.
5 years ago I felt love in a way I've never felt it before and understood a lot more about love and sacrifice.
I realized some time later that mommy is the best name in the world and that parenting would be the hardest thing in the whole wide world. (Good thing I don't have to go at it alone)
FIVE! Go here to see him in the chair for his other birthdays.
He had a Batman birthday party but more like a superhero birthday party.
Yes, I made that. I know, AWWWWWWWWWWW-some :)
Yes, he was Captain America at his Batman birthday party.
AND just have to say thanks to the moms who let their kids come on such short notice and even got Noah presents. I let them know at 4 pm that the party was at 6 pm. Good thing we have so many kids in our neighborhood :) Good friends for sure.
Colorful! I think she might be getting bottom teeth.
Hannah with her cousin. They are one month and one day apart. Hannah's older.
Then there is this guy...
I love him so but he sure puts me through the ringer sometimes.
He's been through a lot.
He still doesn't like to gain weight.
We are going to take him to the NAET doctor next.
He's funny and stubborn, cute and tiny, determined and polite.
The other day I took time to tickle my boys. I can't remember the last time I did that. Heath does it all the time. I love their laughs. Our windows were open and before long there was a knock at the door. We opened it to 2 little neighborhood kids. They said, "What are you doing?", I said, "tickling". They said, "Can you tickle us?". Sure, come on in. The laughing commenced.
I find myself talking in high, silly voices to get a smile out of Hannah.
I've been feeling a little poopy the last few days so I put on some inspirational music this morning and thought about all my blessings. I think today will be a good day.
I love my husband.