It's random, lovely, full of misspelled words and terrible punctuation. It's about me, Erin, my family and friends, in real life. There's sugar but no sugar coating.
"Come what may, and love it!......Yet in spite of discouragement and adversity, those who are happiest seem to have a way of learning from difficult times, becoming stronger, wiser, and happier as a result." ~ Elder Joseph B. Wirthlin
This is right from the blog: (for the full post go HERE)
Now, in the new century, there is an awakening, the beginnings of a food reformation. Home cooking has been rediscovered and there is new-found respect for olden ways. Rather than what is new, people ask, “What is good. How should I eat? What is best for my health?” (For more on how these questions are answered, see about.)
The goal of this blog is to help you answer these questions, week-by-week, all year long. We offer 52 Healthy Changes—one for each week of 2011—that can transform your diet, as well as your health. The first, “The Short And Sweet Of It?” is found here. A goal for the year is to reduce consumption of added sugar to the American Heart Association’s guideline of six teaspoons daily for women, nine for men. Our major source of sugar is soft drinks, so this is our starting point:
I need to thank Robyn for this too. Found it on her blog.
We're a little behind but we'll just go a little into 2012.
This is not my post but a post from a friends blog.
I found it totally inspiring and right on with my feelings.
This is used with permission from Robyn and you can find her original post HERE.
Like many of you, I am often overwhelmed by feelings of inadequacy, self-doubt and frustration with the difference between how I would like to be and how I would like my life to be (perfect!) and how things really are. The apparent perfection I easily see in others too often leaves me feeling like an outsider in a world of perfect mothers, wives, housekeepers, cooks, crafters, scholars, and serving sisters.
It is so easy for me to let these feelings completely overtake me. It usually doesn't matter how much my angel husband tells me he loves me, that I am doing a good job, or that I am beautiful, I still question if I am actually good enough.
I feel safe sharing this because I know many of you feel the same way after reading many blog posts on this topic, and that is especially troubling to me because I know that it is an awful feeling. I also know that the adversary is very good at making us feel like we are less than we are.
A bit out of the visiting teaching message this month got me to thinking a lot about Mary and Martha. During one visit to the home of Mary and Martha, Mary sat at the feet of the Savior and listened as he taught, while Martha busied herself in the kitchen preparing a meal or doing some other tasks for the Savior. He spoke to her and said “Martha, Martha, thou art careful and troubled about many things.” The footnote here tells us that careful should be understood to mean "worried."
Jesus continued, “And Mary hath chosen that good part, which shall not be taken away from her.” I realize that I need to make sure I am choosing the "good part" that the Savior mentions (in Luke 10:42).
The story of Mary and Martha, observes Elder Dallin H. Oaks, “reminds every Martha, male and female, that we should not be so occupied with what is routine and temporal that we fail to cherish the opportunities that are unique and spiritual.” (Ensign, Nov. 1985, p. 61.)
The part that is most important to me here is when He says that it shall "not be taken away from her." I personally understand that to mean on a certain level that the things that truly matter, the gospel essential that bring us the most joy, are the things that will not be taken from us. The clothes we wear, the furniture we have, the crafts we made, how clean our house was, how perfect every dinner was, will not be ours to keep as we pass on to the next life. However worthy these things may be, if we are as Elder Oaks says "so occupied with what is routine and temporal" that we accidentally neglect what is more important, we will be like Martha and be cumbered and worried with many things, missing out on that "good part," of sitting, figuratively, at the Lord's feet trying our best to have faith and do the simple steps that bring us real happiness and joy.
I relate that to being so overwhelmed with some intensely high standard I have set for myself to reach that I forget to just do what is most important, and I know I definitely open myself up to those feelings of doubt and inadequacy. And once those feelings start, we can be completely carried away and forget that we are so very valuable, especially to the Lord.
I have so far to go before I master this simple concept, but I want to get there. Someday. I am a human and even worse I am a woman, so I know I will constantly need to revisit this idea and probably be forever after working on it, but I am trying.
Mr. Beans (aka Beans) is a hair doll.
Both Noah and Asher played with my hair (well, play with my hair)
One night I was trying to cook dinner (which inevitably ends up being the craziest time of the day)
and Asher needed to be held so he could play with my hair (it's like his little lovey).
I admit I got a little frustrated.
So, I searched on google for solutions for kids that play with hair and this doll showed up.
I know it looks a little weird and it's been called a voodoo doll a few times but it really is a life saver.
I can go to sleep without a baby laying on my head and he carries it around twirling the hair in his ear and on his nose. He loves it.
If he has his mimi (pacifier) he has to have beans.
Ok, little blurry but I don't mind if you don't. Also, yes that is real hair.
I remember the day clearly. That morning I woke up at 5:00 am to go get my hair done. I yelled at my brother that morning, not because I was upset but because I was nervous. I don't remember the ride over but I remember walking in. I met Heath there. We sat together to get some needed paperwork filled out and then we parted. We headed to the dressing rooms to change our clothes. Next we met with the sealer. This sealer happened to be the father-in-law of a teacher I had at Salt Lake Community College. I had met him before. He made sure that we knew the answer was yes. We headed into the room holding hands. Friends and family were there with smiles on their faces and some with tears in their eyes. We knelt across the alter and it started. We were promised sweet blessings. We both said yes.
Then it was time to change clothes again. Heath headed to the dressing room and I headed to the bridal room. It was a neat room with different sections all with mirrors and little tables (in case there was more then one bride). My mother and mother-in-law were there with me. They brought my dress which had been mended by some of the workers there. There were a few little loops in the back that had broken on one side. My mom and Lorie helped me put it on. The top was like a corset. For a second I thought that I couldn't breath and that I might hyperventilate. I took a few deep breaths and was fine. I was all dressed from veil to white tennis shoes and met up with Heath again. We walked out of the Temple and were greeted by the people we loved most. It rained that day. It was fine.
We had a reception that day. The center pieces on the tables were ceramic pieces Heath had made. The flowers were gerber daisies (in kind of an earthy tone). We rented a little building called the Relief Society hall. It was little. Some might even say tiny. Heath and his dad made the back drop that was wrapped in white tulle . My Friend Lindsay sang a song. We had a wedding cake but the cake we served was from Costco. We had a wedding video playing with pictures of us and songs that we had called "ours". We didn't spend much money because we didn't have much money. I don't regret a thing about it.
We stood at the front of the room almost the entire time. I wish so badly that we would have danced. Lots of family members came and good friends. Even an old friend of mine came from far away. Also, a man that was in his 90's that was a patient of mine (for physical therapy) was there in his wheel chair. Then it was time to leave. We were saying our good byes and then a moment I was dreading, saying good-bye to my parents. My mother and I hugged and shed a few tears (ok, it was more like sobbing). This would be the last I would see of her on this trip to Utah. My dad isn't much of a cryer but he had tears in his eyes too. We went back to Heath's parents house to change and I can remember telling him we had to hurry and leave before everyone else started coming back. I couldn't say bye to my mother again. I couldn't take it. At the end of the day I was so glad to get that dress off. My back hurt :) Definitely a day to remember.
I love that guy I married 7 years ago. More today than that day.
Happy Anniversary!
Today Asher leaned on his lucky fin (right arm) wrong and it hurt him. He cried a little
then asked for a "bambaid".
He and Noah like to take their shirts off and say they're Tarzan.
Asher has been singing lately, "We're on our way!"
It's pretty cute.
The snow has melted some this week and I'm glad.
I'm ready for spring.
On Sunday Heath asked me if we ran out of dryer sheets.
I asked him why.
He said that his church pants were all staticy (that doesn't seem to be a real word).
I informed him that I haven't used dryer sheets in years (probably 3).
He said, "Oh, why not?". I told him because they cost money and because they are toxic.
He said, "Can't you find organic?"
It made me laugh. It's the first time he's asked in 3 years.
Not sure why the pants suddenly had static (maybe in the dryer with something unusual?)
The boy I love.
Again for your entertainment.
Also, got a sweet present for Valentine's Day.
I hope to show pictures soon. I think you'll love it.
Also, 16 weeks pregnant.
Ultrasound scheduled for March 17 (I'll be 20 weeks)
Seems so far away. Learning patience.
The End!
It's true that it's been a little while. I've been posting mostly pictures.
It's also true that I can't recall the exact date in which I last washed my hair,
there are mini marshmallows in my bathroom sink , and
Asher watered my aloe with his milk yesterday.
Also, I'm pregnant.
I don't think I actually put that on my blog yet.
I'm 14 weeks, Due August 4th.
I've been so tired and a lot more nauseated than my other pregnancies.
Although, I shouldn't complain because my sister-in-law is pregnant and feeling a lot worse.
Noah is 4, Asher is 2 and I think he's feeling it.
I think we are seeing some of what might be called the "terrible two's"
terrible fits. He tries to make himself throw up when I try to ignore them but thankfully
he hasn't been successful.
I think a lot of his frustration comes from the desire to be so independent but the inability to become so.
Asher talks a lot. Says lot of words (too many to list), says 3 and 4 word sentences, says please and thank you.
He doesn't cry when you put him in the corner and he's stubborn.
He's got a funny personality and likes to make people laugh.
His arm is doing well.
We see an occupational therapist 2 times a week still.
His right arm is still smaller and I think will always be but he uses it more naturally and without hesitation.
He does really well when the therapist stretches his arm out. So much better then it use to be.
Although he hasn't gained much weight (still weighs a little over 20 pounds) he's grown taller and his head is getting bigger
and our doctor doesn't seemed to be concerned.
I try not to be too concerned either.
Over Christmas vacation he did get sick for a week and was throwing up a lot.
I admit I worried. The kid doesn't have a lot in reserve.
We have been lucky this winter to be pretty healthy. What a blessing.
Noah's speech has improved a ton. He sees a speech therapist 2 times a month.
Noah always says (pointing to my stomach), "I like your baby" last Sunday it was followed by, "but he doesn't have any church clothes."
Noah thinks it a boy and Asher thinks there are 5 babies in there and they're girls.
Noah's baby name suggestion is baby Jesus. Asher has suggested Apple and Claira.
Noah is pretty well potty trained. It took a little while to get him to go #2 by himself.
It was cold the other day our water pump was frozen. I had to put a heater by it so we could get some water.
and Despicable Me is probably the best movie ever.
Heath is doing well. I guess a little stressed out right now.
This is the last semester of grad school.
We have no idea where we'll be headed after this but I hope it's close to family.
Also, Heath and I went on a date last Thursday. Almost a little weird just because it's only the 2nd in 3 years.
We are trying to make that a regular thing.
Well, I guess this is all for now. Here are some pictures from Asher birthday party.
1st Birthday
2nd Birthday
Noah's present (a train whistle)
I have to admit it wasn't much of a birthday party. It was just us, no cake, just ice cream. I so did not feel good. I brought the presents down in a blanket and it was kind like a birthday Santa. The boys didn't seem to mind.
I told Asher to show me his belly. I know it doesn't look very big but I think it actually stick out a little. You can see that the muscles in his right arm are getting bigger. Anyway, Happy Birthday to Asher.
He's a Grad student. He makes pots. He likes hunting and hanging out with his boys. You can visit his blog at (or click the picture).
"We artist are indestructible, even in a prison cell or a concentration camp I would be almighty in my own world of art. Even if I had to paint my pictures with my wet tongue on the dusty floor of my cell." - Pablo Picasso
Asher helps me develop faith. He has a nerve injury on his right arm. He also has trouble gaining weight. He sees an occupational therapist 2 times a week. He is sweet and shy but has a funny personality.
this is our story.
i called him. he said yes. he kissed me. i said, "i love you." he said, "i like you twelve." (that equals i love you.) he said "will you?" i said, "yes". we got married. he started school. we had noah. i became a mom. he became an artist. we moved to pa. he became a grad student. then came asher and i became the mom of 2. we moved back to utah. he became a teacher. me? the mom of three. we are happy. we are blessed.
Children are made readers on the laps of their parents. - Emily Buchwald