"Come what may, and love it!......Yet in spite of discouragement and adversity, those who are happiest seem to have a way of learning from difficult times, becoming stronger, wiser, and happier as a result." ~ Elder Joseph B. Wirthlin

September 18, 2014


Today Hannah got her ears pierced. She cried a little but did pretty well.

September 13, 2014

Game day

Noah played quarterback a lot today and did a great job. They lost 26 to 8 but they all had fun.

The eventful

Well, here are a few things that are blog worthy in my opinion. Noah had an infection under his tooth so they put him on an antibiotic, then filled the cavity in the tooth. The next week he had pain in the tooth again. We went to a different dentist and he said the tooth was bad and pulled it. The other dentist was talking about doing a baby root canal. I really didn't want to do that. Glad he's pain free now!

Last Saturday Hannah came running in my room screaming. It was hard to tell what she was saying but I finally got that she had a lego stuck in her nose. I thought for sure we would be paying a visit to the instacare. I finally got her to calm down and was able to pull it out easily (thank you Heavenly Father) with some tweezers. Phew! She was pretty shaken up so I told her the story about Asher putting mini M&M's up his nose but that they melted and he had chocolate and a rainbow of colors coming from his nose

Noah started flag football and is loving it. Asher loves practicing with him and can't wait until he's old enough.

Also, we've been looking at houses which is really exciting and crazy at the same time. With the baby due in 5 weeks I think we'll take a little break from it unless a really good deal comes up.

Next month will be a little crazy. The baby will be here, it will be Noah's birthday and we will be preparing for his baptism. All very exciting!

I think that's all our excitement.

Wait one more thing...last Thursday all the local schools were on lockout because a man robbed a bank, took some hostages, and fled in a car. He ended up ditching the car with the hostages in it (thank goodness). It was very near Noah's school so they were not letting anyone in or out. The robber started shooting at the police (I guess he had a death wish) and did eventually got shot and killed. Noah didn't get home from school until 6:15 (3 hours later than normal).

Cool Runnings

Last night we watched Cool Runnings, a movie about a Jamaican bobsled team. Before the movie was over we had all 3 kids in their own laundry baskets (aka bobsleds). They had stuffed animals for their teammates.  Funniest kids ever!

Asher grows his own watermelons

Asher has a watermelon patch over at grandma and grandpa's. This year he didn't actually plant any seeds but we had a few volunteer watermelons where last years patch was. He loves watermelon!

September 12, 2014

Grandpa and the go cart

Heath brought home the bacon...well, the elk!

Heath and his dad went hunting. Heath had a deer and an elk tag. Glad he brought home an elk because I like elk meat much better. Talk about your all natural, grass fed meat ;)

Splash pad excitement

We went to the the splash pad a few Friday's ago. I really should have gotten a video but this picture will have to do. Noah, being the confident little dude he is, was standing in the middle of the splash pad, shaking his hind parts and singing the worst rendition of Katie Perry's Roar at the top of his lungs. Who's kid is that anyway? Love that kid!


I don't like cleaning bathrooms much less 2 bathrooms. Sooooo, we started something that should have been started long ago. My kids have always done some chores but I think I may has underestimated what they were capable of. Now they all work together to clean their bathroom and it's great!

Hannah's breakfast

She wanted grapes and celery for breakfast. She's my healthy eater!

First day of school

Noah started 2nd grade this year. 2nd week of school he got into a charter school he was on the waiting list for. I was excited, I'd been calling all summer to see if he got in. I'd just like to say that I love uniforms and Noah seems to love the school. He doesn't come home saying he's bored so far.

Asher started 1/2 day kindergarten.  He seems to like it ok but it doesn't seem very challenging for him. He's on the waiting list for the charter school Noah is in but it doesn't look very promising st this point. It would be all day.

Hunting in the back yard

Heath brought home some huge boxes and drew deer and elk on them. All the boys grabbed their bows and went on a hunt in the backyard.

Hannah's 3rd birthday

I can't believe this girl is 3. She was just a tiny baby. She is cute and girly, has an attitude at times and the biggest personality. I love that girl!

Hannah's swim lessons

Hannah had swimming lessons this summer. She started out not even wanting to put her face in the water and ended with jumping off the side of the pool and swimming to her teacher. The first 5 lessons were a fight. I mean serious fight...crying, fighting to get the swimsuit on, kicking, and hitting. Now we call her our Hannah boat.

Ready for church

Because he's hot and funny!