Look what I caught this girl doin'. She's not even 4 months. While I think it is totally cute I'm not encouraging it because it's easier to take away a pacifier than cut off fingers. FYI, I would never cut off fingers.
Also, she giggled today. I was kissing her chin and it was soooo cute.
And this was Asher's Halloween costume. Love it? Well, I made it. That's right...well the cape anyway.
Don't look too close. He loves Robin for some reason. It's fine by me but you don't find too many kids who want to be the "sidekick".
We don't want to leave anyone out! :)
Noah hums when he eats.
Asher and Noah for some reason make an "L" sound in the place of an "R" like fliend (friend)
Heath acts like a kid when he gets to go hunting.
I just started doing pinterest. I told myself I wouldn't but I did it and now I'm pinning away with awesome ideas. One of which is this and this (my favorites so far). and Heath and my BIL Jake our going to to this for me. I know cute, right?
Well, gotta go. Love my family. no proofing on this one.